At a Women’s Peace Meeting held in December 2023, I invited those attending to
donate money, or food, clothing and toiletries, to support young people in a
Rehabilitation Centre, Edmonds Court, which is a part of St Basils Charity for the
young homeless in Birmingham.
The women were very generous, both at the Peace Meeting and subsequently, and we were able to collect a large number of items, together with £200 in cash.
On January 5 th , we took everything to Edmonds Court where the manager, Monica, was delighted to receive all the donated goods and money, which she said would be put to very good use. She invited me to come back in the future, and to have the possibility to give a presentation to some of the young people about my peace and social action work, and perhaps some character education. We hope to continue this work, helping those who are trying to rebuild their lives and reintegrate back into society.
Patricia Earle.
Birmingham UK.