The Global Womens Peace Network's (GWPN) aim is to build a body of NGO leaders whose collective wisdom and judgment can complement the deliberations of the United Nations, which is a body of government representatives and is overwhelmingly male. Such a consultative body could promote healing and peacebuilding through reconciliation, forgiveness, love and embracing people beyond boundaries of race, religion, nationality, and language.
Activities around United Kingdom
Women's Leadership Conference
WFWP engages in assisting projects which promote the development of today's youth enabling their participation as active citizens and we particularly work to involve young women and uplift them and their role in society. In an ever developing culture, the young women of Britain are growing up faster, becoming more successful, earning more money, and challenging the social constraints of the past. We aim to educate and encourage young women to take an active role in their communities so that they can become global leaders and contribute to creating a society where women can play key roles in building a culture of peace. Our young women in the UK have taken part in and have lead their own projects including coffee mornings, fundraising events, conferences in the House of Commons, attending and leading workshops in international assemblies and more.
Women's Conference for Peace in the Middle East
In January of 2004, WFWP established the "Women's Middle East Peace Initiative" (WMEPI) and, understanding the importance of that area in history, as well as in current affairs, determined to focus its attention on the Middle East. A Declaration for Peace was drafted. WMEPI was formally launched with events in Los Angeles and Washington DC, entitled, "Women as Peacemakers: Building Bridges of Peace in the Middle East." The Declaration traveled "around the world in 28 days", with Norma Foster, WFWP, USA National Advisor, as she took it to international conferences in Switzerland and Israel. WFWP, USA co-sponsored the "Women of Peace" program, in May of 2004, which brought together 526 women from 41 nations. During the Fifth Annual WFWPI International Leaders Workshop, held in Austria, in September of 2004, a decision was made to collect one million signatures worldwide for the Declaration for Peace. This campaign aims to turn the minds and hearts of women throughout the world to focus their support on the Middle East; to highlight the need for women to be more involved on all levels of the peacemaking process throughout the world; as well as to encourage women to use their God-given nature to advance peace in the Middle East and throughout the world.
No Peace without Women
The Global Women's Peace Network's (GWPN) aim is to build a body of NGO leaders whose collective wisdom and judgment can complement the deliberations of the United Nations, which is a body of government representatives and is overwhelmingly male. Such a consultative body could promote healing and peace-building through reconciliation, forgiveness, love and embracing people beyond boundaries of race, religion, nationality, and language.
Global Partnerships