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International Women's Day


WFWP South London, celebrating ‘International Women’s Day’.

After welcoming all guests, there was an explanation about our founder Mother

Moon, who gained the title ‘Mother of Peace’ after travelling on a speaking tour

through 120 countries, during which she met heads of state and spoke to other

leading figures, on the importance of bringing Peace into the world, through living

for the sake of others in our families and in our society.

Our first speaker was Dr Zohra Zaidi, a retired doctor, who delivered her speech

about the significance of celebrating Women’s Day. This day has been

commemorated for more than one hundred years and recognised by the United

Nations since 1975. The goal is to inspire one another, to end discrimination that

is rooted in society, to end sexual violence and to bring out the intrinsic value of

women. Dr. Zaidi said, that women should be educated, be supported at home

and in the society, also should be an end to sexual harassment. She mentioned

Malala and her fight for education, also women in rural areas, where

discrimination should end and should be recognised the work women are doing.

The second speaker Mrs Sonja Read, a public health nutritionist focusing on low-

and middle income countries, has worked for several NGOs including ‘Action

Against Hunger, Oxfam and Islamic Relief’ in France and in Gaza. She has

delivered programs and carried out research, including on women's

empowerment. The main focus of her talk was the realisation to discover the

intrinsic value of women. Sonja said; ‘women should not be put in men’s shoes to

have value’. Women’s value comes from her heart and personality; she should be

respected and valued for what she is and what she chooses to do. If you are a

nurse or a carer you have the same value as if you are a doctor or head of a


At the end she asked all of us, to remember women in difficult circumstances like

the women in Congo, Sudan, Gaza and Ukraine.

After the talks and discussions, a wonderful light lunch was greatly enjoyed.

Please find a photo of some of the ladies.

Report by Dolores Read

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